Couches and Chairs for Decorating Saskatoon Homes

Couches and Chairs for Decorating Saskatoon Homes

Seeing how we believe very strongly that your home should not only look great but be livable we also believe you living room should encourage conversations.  For this reason we have couches and chairs for decorating Saskatoon homes that will accomplish this

Comfort and Conversation

  1. Comfort

    First thing to remember is that it is imperative the  furniture in your livable living room be comfortable.  People won’t hang out in your living room, let alone visit, if they are not comfortable.  When looking for comfortable chairs and couches try out lots.  And really try them out.  Don’t just push on them and rub them.  Sit on them and have a conversation with someone.  Also if you use your couch for napping have a little lie down.  Imagine sitting on it for hours and how your body feels.  Finally follow your instincts.  If you sit on either a couch or a chair and instantly don’t like the feel of it don’t waste any time considering it, it will not get any better.  No matter how good it looks!

    Couch and chairs at International Furniture Wholesalers
    Couch and chairs at International Furniture Wholesalers
  2. Conversation

    Once you have couches and chairs that are comfortable then you have to decide how to arrange your furniture to encourage  conversations that everyone can be included in.  How is this done?

    • Place furniture close enough so everyone can relax and visit without straining to hear each other.
    • Putting chairs in a circular configuration definitely encourages chatting.
    • If a circle doesn’t work for you have your couches across from each other.   This is different from the tradition couch/love seat configuration but looks great.
    • Swivel chairs also make it easy to include everyone in the conversation.

      Grey Chairs at International Furniture Wholesalers
      Grey Chairs at International Furniture Wholesalers

Both videos below have great examples of comfy living room furniture and great ways to set it up so your family and friends will always be able to chat the hours away.

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Watch our video Saskatoon Interior Design Ideas Cushions | Saskatoon International Furniture Wholesalers 

International Furniture Wholesalers
3402 Faithful Ave
Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H1
(306) 955-1031

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